

  • Jane Abby Boutique offers free shipping on all U.S. orders. Free shipping is only available on orders shipped within the continental U.S.   Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
  • Allow 3-5 business days for orders to ship out from our home base. We use USPS priority mail shipping, which takes 2-5 days to be delivered. 
  • Tracking for your order is emailed to you once your order is shipped out. 
  • We are not responsible for return shipping or lost returns. We recommend purchasing tracking when returning an item and keeping shipping receipts for your records.
  • Delivery dates are not guaranteed. We are not liable if you do not receive your package on the delivery date. USPS is responsible for all delivery dates. 
  • If you want to reship an unclaimed, refused, or undeliverable package you are responsible for the new shipping cost (shipping varies on the USPS method you choose).